After read read reading for the past week, I finished another read-through of Vodnik. To give you an overview of the revision process to date:
- September 2010–Reread the book in preparation for the first revision specifically for my editor
- October 2010–Reread the book as I edit it
- February 2011–Reread the book in preparation for the second edit
- March 2011–Reread the book as I edit it.
- May 2011–Reread the book in preparation for the third edit
- June 2011–Reread the book as I edit it.
- August 2011–Reread the book for the fourth edit, and edit as I read
- September 2011–Reread the book for the copy edit
- October 2011–Reread the book for the galley edit
Overall, the book looks great. It’s been really interesting to see each of these steps first hand. I had no idea just how complex and involved the revision process can be. From here, the next step will be advance reading copies (ARCs)–I think. Those will be actual paperback books, essential rough drafts of the book in its final form. They’re sent out to reviewers and the like. From there, the final step is the book itself.
We’re getting close!