Writing Update: September 2021

Someone mentioned to me the other day that it’s been a while since I’ve done a writing update on here, so I thought I’d take a minute and correct that oversight. There was a space of about a month where I found myself (for the first time I can remember) pretty much unable to write. I was feeling really overwhelmed, and I was at sort of a pause point in multiple projects, and so it felt like there was too much inertia to overcome. Thankfully I’m through with that for now, it seems. Multiple different irons in the fire. Let me run down them one by one:

  • DON’T GO TO SLEEP–A companion book to THE PERFECT PLACE TO DIE. It’s another historical thriller inspired by real life events. In 1918 New Orleans, someone attacked a series of Italian grocery stores, using an axe to kill and maim residents. Years earlier, a similar series of attacks took place. The murderer’s identity remains a mystery to this day. This is what I’m working on right now. My editor has gotten back to me after reading the draft I sent her, and she liked it for the most part. Just a few kinks I need to work out, so I’m feeling quite good about it. I’m actually re-reading it at the moment, and it’s really encouraging to me to see how much I’m liking it. This is the first book I’ve had my writing group’s input on for the whole thing, and I think the impact of that is very noticeable. It should be published next year, so there’s not too long for you to wait.
  • SILVERADO–Before I was working on the current revision, I was working on the second draft of a steampunk adventure story that I’ve codenamed Silverado. My writing group read the first draft and had some major revision suggestions which caused me to largely go back to the drawing board. I’m leaning into horror more with the book, in an Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom sort of way. I’m excited to see where it goes, and I think the second draft should be much stronger. It’s a ways out from seeing anything like publication, though.
  • MEMORY THIEF and INKBINDER–We now officially have the rights back to both of these books. (If you’ll recall, my publisher for Memory Thief was sold to a company that wanted nothing to do with books, which essentially tanked the sequel. We’re about to shop these around to different editors to see who would like to pick them up. Inkbinder was fairly close to being done, though if a new editor bites, I imagine they might want to see changes. Still, it would be great to have the sequel out there. I was very happy with it and lots of people enjoyed the original.
  • MAGIC AT 30,000 FEET & OUR LADY OF QUESTIONABLE MORALS–Both of these books have been sent out to editors, and while I had some positive responses, neither of them ended up in sales. My writing group is going through them with me, and I’m hopeful they’ll have some good insights on ways I can improve them. (Yay writing groups!)
  • UTOPIA–It’s out on submission with editors at the moment. No takers yet, though . . .

So really, my writing schedule’s set at the moment. I’m crossing my fingers that after I get through DON’T GO TO SLEEP, there might be some more books I could write for Sourcebooks. I’d love to find a good niche and just start putting out book after book each year, but that hasn’t happened yet. Hope springs eternal, however. The good news is that THE PERFECT PLACE TO DIE continues to sell well, and I think that increases the odds of future books significantly.

I’m not really worried about coming up with new ideas, but I’d love to have some of these books that I’m really proud of finally see the light of day. The good news is that I’m back in my writing groove, and you should see another book of mine out next year.

Thanks for reading!


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