Family Newsletter 2012

Each year, I write a Christmas Newsletter as part of my Christmas gift to sundry people. This is the fifth year I’ve done it, actually. And once the newness of Christmas wears off, I post the newsletter up on this site so you all can share it. Because I’m nice like that.

I’m doing it a bit late this year, obviously. That whole “Europe” thing got in the way. But if you’re interested in seeing what the fam and I were up to this past year, then click on over to the link down below to see it all. The link will actually take you to a list of all five of the newsletters. The one you’re looking for is the 2012 one. (Usually I assume you’re all bright individuals who can remember what the year was last year and deduce which link to click on all by yourselves. But I’ve also discovered over the years that it never hurts to be thorough.


Click Here for the Newsletters

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