I hate flying. Period. I’m tall, so the seats are cramped, and add to that bad food, grumpy passengers, flight delays and turbulence, and what is there to like, frankly? So whenever it comes time for me to take a trip, I have a sort of love/hate thing. I’m excited to go, but I dread the getting there. Right now I’m gearing up for my trip on Thursday. It was originally just supposed to be a five day thing, but now with the addition of the university interviewing leg, it’s up to a week. I fly Thursday, have an in-person interview with one college Friday, have the conference Saturday and Sunday, fly again Monday, have another interview all day Tuesday, and fly home Wednesday. It will be busy, but it’ll all be worth it if I emerge from the weekend with a new job. If I don’t . . . then I don’t. I really do believe that wherever I’m supposed to end up, that’s where I’ll end up. Of course, it’s one thing to believe that and another to actually have to wait and find out where that is. Sometimes I wish I could just peek into the future and take a shortcut to get to wherever I’m going anyway, but I guess that would defeat the purpose. Sigh.
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