So I just got back from getting me my birthday present. This year, I’ve asked people to contribute to the Buy Bryce a Bass Guitar Fund (BBBGF), and I had planned on waiting until I actually had the funds in hand before purchasing said bass (and after my birthday, which is Sunday). However, after a trip to my local music store, I found a really good deal that might not be hanging around much longer, so I bought the bass today. It’s a Squier Jazz Bass. Red. I got the bass, the amp, a gig bag, strap, stand, headphones, instruction book, DVD, tuner, cables–the whole shebang. The book won’t be here until Tuesday, but I’m looking forward to going home and getting acquainted with the instrument tonight.
About eight years ago, I got an acoustic guitar, and I took one semester of “how to play” at BYU. I can do all simple chords and even a few bar chords, and so I’m good strumming along to songs, and I can pick the melody out on the guitar pretty fine. So why did I want a bass? Well, I was trying to decide between an electric guitar or bass, mainly because I wanted the different sound. I already have a guitar, so getting an electric one would seem a tad redundant. Yes, electric are supposedly a tad easier to play (don’t know–never played one), but anything I could play on an electric guitar, I could play on an acoustic. With a bass guitar, the top two strings are gone, and everything’s about 3 octaves lower. I’ve always been drawn to bass parts (my other instruments were bassoon and sax–and I preferred the barry), and my favorite bands usually feature bass quite prominently. (Side note: CAKE is coming to Colby College in a few weeks. I don’t suppose any of you are interested in going?)
Anyway–that’s all I have time for right now. I’m looking forward to getting home and trying this puppy out. I wonder if I should name it?