Help Me Name My New Library Blog

Because I clearly have so much free time on my hands, I’ve decided to start a second blog–this one more work related. Yes, folks–that’s right. Soon, you’ll have the opportunity to get all my detailed views on librarydom. Well, they won’t all be mine. I’m going to be coauthoring the blog with one of my coworkers, so half of it’ll be mine. What will we be blogging about? Library news, tech news, local library events, general librarian information, and book and movie reviews. (There will probably be some bleed over in the reviews section between my blog and the library blog.) Sounds thrilling, don’t it?

It should start up in June sometime, assuming I ever get unearthed from the piles of to do lists mounding on my desk. In the meantime, I’m looking for good ideas for a name for the library blog. It’ll be for Mantor Library at the University of Maine at Farmington. Mascot: the Beavers.


4 thoughts on “Help Me Name My New Library Blog”

  1. Names
    When naming our online document repository, we played this game. Ones from that list that could translate over:
    Jerome’s Hoard (patron saint of librarians is Jerome)
    Others off the top of my head:
    The Reference Desk
    The Information Booth
    The Catalog (my favorite)

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