This weekend, I plan to do a whole lot of nothing. Some of this is by choice–I did a whole lot of Something while we were down in Florida, and some nothing helps every now and then. But a lot of this is by force–I can tell my body’s trying to fight back the Sick my family’s been trying to give me for the past week, and I believe if I sleep a lot, I should be able to get over it without too much trouble. We’ll see, though. I’ve had a headache for about three days now, and that’s how DKC’s Sick started. Sigh.
If everyone could send healthy thoughts my way, I’d be very appreciative. Thanks!
Healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, healthy thoughts, ….
Ah. Feeling better already. 🙂
I’m getting a headache. So, by our high school logic, you should be getting better. Those healthy thoughts must be helping.
Well, my headache’s still here, but it’s been coming and going in waves, so maybe it’s on its way over to Ohio. 🙂