Well, fourth had better be, I suppose. Since I’m going to Bangor again on Sunday for a church meeting. People keep saying I should just get an apartment there and make things easier. If I have too many more weeks like this, I’ll start thinking they’re right.
That said, I love driving in Maine this time of year. The leaves are turning, and everywhere you look is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. There’s no rain today, there’s hardly ever any traffic.
It’s great.
When I’m driving by myself, I typically get some music going (on my old white iPod) and just enjoy the time to sit there and think. Life has been pretty crazy for the last while, and there’s no sign of the craziness ending before Christmas, so it’s nice to get some forced peace and quiet. I’ve got a lot of balls in the air at the moment, and some of them are close to coming down in some very nice places.
Nothing I can share with any of you lovely people, of course. But hopefully some good news is on the horizon.
Meanwhile, I have to finish this second draft of OUR LADY. Very close to the end, and at the point with the book that I desperately need fresh eyes. I get to a spot where it all just looks the same to me. Where I no longer know if the changes I’m making are any good or not. Thank goodness for ace agents who can take a look at it for me. I just need to make sure the climax is consistent with everything else I’ve written up to this point, and then I’m hitting “send.”
Which means I’ll have to decide what to work on next. I’ve got several unfinished drafts. I’ll probably pick one of those up and give it a gander to see how much promise it’s holding.
In any case, I’m out of time at the moment. Got to get ready and go off to Bangor. Have a great weekend everyone, and I’ll catch you on Monday!