
Once again, I find myself lacking the time I need to create a really nice blog post. Not having internet at home is becoming less and less of an option, and now I think it’s just a matter of time before I get it set up. That and television. In the meantime, though, you’ll just have to suffer through these short posts.

However, I wanted to take the time to talk about this cool staff retreat I went on yesterday: orienteering. You really need to check this out. They give you a map, and then you get to go from one spot to another. It’s like hiking with a purpose. Sehr cool. And I won, which makes it even cooler.

4 thoughts on “Orienteering”

  1. Re: Serious
    Well, remember–this was a librarian retreat. I had youth on my side, and a sprightly team mate. Together, we were the youngest team.
    And the most competitive.

  2. kinda like the old treasure hunt your dad put together at the cabin?
    kinda like the old treasure hunt your dad put together at the cabin? Now that was some good times.

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