So the good news is that, after a long wait, the cabinets have actually arrived. The bad-ish news is that THEY TAKE UP SO MUCH SPACE. Also, they’re much, much heavier than I imagined they’d be. These things are chonky. Moving them and storing them until they’re up and on our walls is going to make the house feel like a warehouse for the next while.
Also, people always talked about how you needed to inspect the cabinets when they arrived. That made sense, until the cabinets actually came. I mean, getting into the boxes and seeing what’s actually there and what condition things are in is going to be a chore and a half.
But hey: they’re here! Let the construction commence. Monday. Not today. Only two weeks after I posted about how excited I was for the construction to actually commence. Maybe we’ll be done by New Year’s?
Excuse me while I go hyperventilate.
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