People have kept asking me how Tomas is doing at the MTC, and up until yesterday, I’ve had to just say, “Your guess is as good as mine,” since we hadn’t talked to him yet. Their P-day is Wednesday, and that’s the only day they’re allowed to call home (barring any emergencies.) So yesterday we all got to catch up with him for an hour or so, and I’m happy to report he seems to be doing really well. Happy, engaged, and having a good time.
As promised, he’s sending me updates to pass on to all of you. Here’s his first one, along with some pictures of life at the MTC.
Hey everyone! I know I haven’t said much in a while, but I made it to the MIssionary Training Center in Provo, Utah! It was a long set of flights, but I met some great people (one guy had pictures from when he worked at Camp David and played doubles tennis with Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Bush Sr. and Ronald Reagan!). Once I got here, I met up with my companions, Elders Millett and Florian. It was so nice to see them in person! We are part of a district that is all going to Finland besides us three. Days are pretty full with lots of language classes and studying, but it’s been super fun.
Couple interesting things have happened here- we got a devotional from an Apostle, Elder Rasband, and also we saw a bunch of deer outside one day and even chased one at breakfast. That’s about all I have for today- it’s been pretty busy between laundry, sand volleyball against the Georgian speaking district, and a solid hour of spikeball. I’ll put in some pictures as well I guess.
Anyways, I’m doing great out here and loving it. I know I made the right choice to serve a mission and I’m so excited to go to Slovakia! Love you all and see you next week,
Elder/Starší Cundick

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