Tomas Update: Week 21 in Trenčín


I’m alive! Just got a lot going on. Things have been veru wacky out here and I end everu day just feeling very tired, but happy and fulfilled. I’m not going to get into specifics too much this week, but here’s some cool stuff that’s happened:

-spoke some very broken Ukrainian on the street, managed to get a point across

-met and taught a Catholic priest (he was really cool)

-got stuck leading a VERY drunk Czech man to the station, told a wild story about sleeping in a construction site instead of the penzión he rented. Weird guy

-taught 3 guys at a bar because they invited us to sit with them as we walked by, and consequently got into a staring contest with a 4th as he asked me if I’ve ever killed anyone (I haven’t) since he misheard and thought we decided they needed some Jesus and didn’t agree. When he found out we were invited and also not Jehovah’s witnesses, he calmed down a lot

-taught like 5 lessons on the phone, all of them unplanned because we were just tryin to see how our friends are doin

-started taking Ukrainian lessons fr.our epic member Ruslan (he is from Mariupol) who has a DEGREE in teaching ukrainian, he literally materialized a month and a half ago when me and Goodare were at the church at a weird time, my man didn’t even know the church was here

-had authentic Ukrainian borscht and listened to Ukranian music at Ruslan’s house

-worked literally the hardest I’ve ever worked

-found 2 people in one week! First time I’ve ever done that

-cleaned out a river for zone conference

-bought a coconut (it was 1 euro)

-finished crocheting a blanket

-signed up to volunteer to make wreathes with our family center friends

-20 members at a hike that Kevin planned!

-discovered Hershey’s chocolate is actually as bad as mom says when you get used to European chocolate

-sewed 3 more ties

It has been very very tiring but also super fun! The work here is picking up so fast I can’t even believe it. It’s already been a wild transfer, and k don’t doubt it will continue to get even crazier. Sorry for not writing! I promise y’all will get a regular one with all of the other, slightly less wacky things next week. The trees here are nice, I guess, but Maine still wins. Sorry Slovakia! Although the castles make up for it. 

Photos (might take me a bit to add):


S láskou,

Starší Cundick 

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