Hey everyone! Another week, another email. Not too crazy this week, but still a solid week.
We had a baptism technically in our branch this week! The subsection, or group, that meets in Banská Bystrica has another member and we got to go. It was so great to see how happy she was and everyone there was so excited. The work may move slow here but it moves.
Also at that baptism, I had my second politically charged discussion with a random Slovak man. As missionaries we are not supposed to talk about politics or stuff like that, but I swear all the old people are just looking for a reason to bring it up. It was definitely a very interesting conversation though and I’m sure it won’t be the last.
This pday we also went for a hit of a hike. It was very wet, dark, and cold and we definitely hiked a little too far but we took some funny pictures because we brought our suits up so that was kinda nice I guess. The view from near the top of Malý Kriváň was pretty terrible with all the fog. Also the hike was like very steep in some parts and kind of snowy as well. But it was worth it, I think. Hopefully you all think the pictures are as funny as I do. On the way back we met Babka at the train station and she gave us some cookies (fire as usual, cannot go wrong with vanilkové rožky). It was good to see her. Also she made us some fire Book of Mormon covers, pictures in the album.
We also got to see one of our MTC teachers, she came and visited all the missionaries since she’s taught all of them. It was cool to see her and also the person we taught practice lessons to just as normal people and they also brought us some sweet American food and plastic dinosaurs (I got the rest of the bag instead of 1 so now I have 51 glow in the dark dinosaurs). Shout out to Sister Likes and Amanda.
Okay, besides that I think that’s about it this week. This coming Friday we didn’t hit our goal for teaching lessons ins the street so we have to eat insanely spicy ramen, expect an update on that next week. Other than that, here’s the album as usual
Love you all,
Starší Cundick