Sorry about the lack of posts the last couple of days. Those all day library meetings can take it out of you. In any case, I’m back in the swing of things at work today, and my schedule should be a bit better(?) for posts in the next while.
I’m sure you’ve all been waiting on the edge of your seat to discover who wrote my last post. This was a much closer vote. 5 people voted in favor of AI, and 4 voted for it having been written by me. (Though the ones who thought it was written by me wondered if I wasn’t getting influenced by overthinking how to write it, knowing that people were going to be scrutinizing it . . .)
In reality? It was written by BryceGPT. Here was the prompt:
write a blog post explaining that I’ve had to update my website. Try not to be too funny, but be interesting. Pattern it after “too busy to write much” posts in the knowledge base.
First, tell people that this is the second post that might or might not have been written by AI. Challenge them to see if they can tell this time. Then, explain that I needed to revise the website because the blog kept displaying strangely in browsers. I think I’ve got it mostly taken care of, but if they still see issues anywhere, I’d appreciate if they’d let me know.
Mention that I redid the homepage and the bio, and they might want to check those out. Say that I’ll be away at a two day library meeting, so I probably won’t have a chance to post tomorrow.
Apologize that this post is so short, and to make it up, remind them about the time I fought a bat in my house. Give a detailed summary (about 400 words) of what went on. Remind them to vote if this was done by AI or not.
I think, once again, I was done in by my hurry to get the job done instead of actually caring about the post. This time, I was in a real rush, since I had to get on the road fast. This meant I didn’t take the time to think things through. I threw in the story about the bat to see how well BryceGPT would be able to sum that up in my voice. I was impressed by how well it did, really. It got Denisa’s name right, got the correct chain of events, and did a serviceable job, all with a very short nudge (“remind them about the time I fought a bat in my house”). If you’d like to compare the original, check it out. One of my favorite blog posts.
There’s yet to be a slam dunk for BryceGPT. Even when people think it’s me, they still think something’s off with it. Still, it’s early days. I think I’m going to mess around with the innards of it some more and see if I can’t fine tune it better.
Thanks for playing along, everyone. I, for one, find all of this extremely fascinating,