Adventures at Sesame Place

Just got back from Sesame Place, a theme park over by our mall here in PA. Why they chose to put it over here by the mall is beyond me, but we like it–some really fun water rides. TRC had a blast. It was also rather strange, since part of the climax of Pawn of the Dead (my latest book) takes place there. I’m happy to report that today’s outing was completely zombie free. Of course, I also found out that they’ve redone a lot of the park, which invalidates a lot of my descriptions from that scene. Sigh. Oh well, I can always revise if I need to. For your viewing pleasure, I’ve attached some pics of the trip. Enjoy.

DKC and DC at the Count’s Splash Tower–what used to be the Count’s Fount.

Swimming fun.

2 thoughts on “Adventures at Sesame Place”

  1. Fun!
    I bet your kids loved that. Mine so it on Jon and Kate and were wondering where in CA that was… I had to break the bad news.

  2. Re: Fun!
    Well, just tell them to go visit your Aunt Gwen, and you can see it then. Close to Princeton, too–motivate them to get in to the good schools. 🙂

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