

Various things to post today. First and foremost: the time has come. I’m up to 228 pounds, and that’s about 28 pounds above what I’d ideally like to be. 18 pounds over where I’d be comfortable, even if I wasn’t completely satisfied. Just a year or two ago I was at 205. I can do […]

Sundries Read More »


I think I’d like dieting a whole lot more–and be more successful at it–if not for the fact that I don’t like being hungry. Of course, as I write this, I realize that there are starving people out there in ______ (insert country of your choice), and that I really don’t know what it’s like

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Out of Shape

I forgot to mention that a couple of days ago, I became the proud new owner of a Nintendo Wii, stupid name and all.  It’s more fun than a barrel of squid, but I’ve started to notice a disturbing trend: whenever I play for an hour or so, I’m sore the next day. I don’t

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