Grumpy Old Vampires

So today I was reading a writing group submission by

, and it got my brain working in an interesting direction.  I’ve been looking for ideas on how to make my website unique, and one idea I’ve been toying with is to have a webseries, sort of like webcomics, except written, not drawn.  Ultimately, I’d update them weekly, and people could tune in once a week to see what comes next.  The idea has some merit–even if it’ll take a lot of work to make it fly.  But I was missing a good idea–one that would work on a weekly basis, and which would give me plenty of ideas to use.  While I was reading Fish’s submission, it hit me.

Grumpy Old Vampires.

All the vampire stories and movies you see have vampires as being sex gods, more or less.  (Not yours, Fish–BTW I loved your submission.  Best yet, and no worries–this webseries I’m writing is not like your book, as I’m sure you’ll be able to tell.)  But what if vampires aren’t always like that?  I mean, the old people I know aren’t suave and cool.  They certainly aren’t hip.  If a person can go from being young and “with it” to old and geriatric in about fifty years, why in the world would a vampire be any different?  That’s my basic premise.

From that, I wrote my first installment today.  It might be a bit rough–usually I workshop these things before I consider them finished.  But I’m leaving it open to criticism.  I’d love to hear what people have to say about it.  So please read, tell your friends, and post or email any comments you have.  I don’t know if I’ll actually be able to stick to writing a new one every week, but I’ll sure try.

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