Mini Golf

Today the event on the agenda was mini golf.  I took the family over to Trafalga for a round, and I have to say . . . I wasn’t impressed with the place.  I’d never been there before, and I don’t think I’ll go again.  My son had a great time, so that was good, my wife and I were pretty disappointed with how run down it all seemed.  Cascade Golf was much nicer, so it gets my vote for the Orem Mini Golf award.

Other than that, it’s late, so I don’t have much time to write.  Just finished watching The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and before that I watched First Blood (Rambo)–two movies that are about as different as you can get.  I enjoyed them both, but honestly, I thought Rambo won the match.  Figures.

2 thoughts on “Mini Golf”

  1. Trafalga
    I remember going to trafalga as long as I can remember… I doubt they’ve changed it a bit. Do they still have the water slide?

  2. Re: Trafalga
    There was an area that appeared to once have a pool and some boats you could ride in, but I didn’t see a water slide. Like I said, the whole place seemed pretty run down, like the owners weren’t making an effort to keep it current. I’ve been to much better mini golf places in my life, and I honestly can’t remember a worse one.

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