My Daughter Graduated!

Graduated from Preschool, that is. When we moved to Maine, Denisa and I soon heard about this awesome preschool program run at the high school. High schoolers get taught about early childhood education, and they get to practice on actual children. 🙂 It’s twice a week for 2 hours, and costs all of $5/week. We signed TRC up as soon as he was eligible. He loved it, and DC has loved it, too.

They’ve had the chance to be taught by some of the high school science teachers. They’ve had some fun times, learned things, and played with far more glitter than should be legal in the state of Maine. Good times.

Today. DC was in her school play–a rendition of the Rainbow Fish. She was the Blue Fish, in case you were wondering. She had a blast, and was very proud of herself.

I’ve been surprised at how unsentimental DC can be. When TRC was graduating from preschool. he was kind of upset. He realized he wasn’t going to be able to go back, and that made him sad. I asked DC what she thought, and she just sort of shrugged it all off. But that’s very much in her character. She loves living in the moment, and looks forward all the time to whatever’s on the horizon. The past is the past to her. She likes to reminisce. but not too much. I could learn a thing or two from her.

I suppose it also helps that she’s still going to Pre-K twice a week, a class she loves even more than preschool.

In any case, congrats, DC! You were the best Blue Fish I’ve ever seen. 🙂

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