
So I’m back now, returned to the land of the internet. We were supposed to have internet at our hotel, but it turned out to be in a different room that we had to traipse over and use and, well, I just didn’t have the time or inclination to exert that much effort just to check my email. The days were busy enough as it is. In all, my wife and I looked at 21 houses in 2 days. 8 the first day and 13 the second. The area has some lovely homes, and some that could really be lovely with a lot of work. Thankfully, there were some in our price range that didn’t require much work. I’m happy to say that we’ve already made an offer on our favorite house and had it accepted. All that’s left now is for the home inspection to be carried out on Friday, and assuming that’s clean (cross your fingers!), then we’ll be all set and good to go. The rental truck’s reserved, I have members of my church who have volunteered to help unload the truck–all that needs to be done is pack up and drive. Very exciting.

Details about the house:
It was built around 1900 and was originally a farmhouse. It comes with 1.44 acres of property, and we have no real neighbors–it’s farms all around. But we’re just five minutes from town, where my work is and church is, and we’re about a mile to grocery shopping, Walmart and the hospital. It has 4 bedrooms and room to expand in the attic and the barn, which also has a two car garage. For those of you who are interested, I’m attaching pictures below the cut.

Here’s a picture of the main house. It’s been vinyl sided, so the upkeep should be easy, and the windows are almost all new, which should help on the heating bills.ย  The house also has a wood stove, which will also help out with the bills.

Here’s a pic of one of the highlights of the house: an original wooden spiral staircase. Lovely.

The kitchen:

The living room:

And a bedroom:

Anyway, it’s been a hectic weekend, and there are still lots of things to get done in the meantime. (Not to mention my writing, which has really been suffering amidst all this confusion.) If any of you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear them. It’s nice to be back, but I can’t say I’ll miss the Utah climate all that much. Maine was gorgeous.

9 thoughts on “Returned”

  1. We’re going to use the fourth bedroom as an office for me, except when company’s over–at which point in time there’ll also be a bed in there for people to sleep in. It’s a nice big room on the second floor with beautiful views and large windows. Eventually we might finish the attic, which could turn into a very nice writing spot, as well. One of the reasons we love the house is just because of how many possibilities it has to offer.

  2. I’m incredibly envious. I’m going to have to come visit you in Maine in the Fall to see the leaves there and take over your fourth bedroom.
    Are you planning on going to WFC this year?

  3. Totally. I’ll be driving down to Saratoga Springs–not too bad of a drive, really. I’d be happy to pick you up at the airport and drop you off when you have to go, and we could room together, if you’d like. Save on money and all that. When do you get back from Deutschland?

  4. Well, if you’re going, then I’m definitely more likely to be going as well. I’ll look into what it will cost and let you know sometime after I get back. I’ll be coming home on August 15th. Germany’s a wonderful country, but just between you and me, I can’t wait to get back. People are going to get sick of me singing “Homeward Bound” every minute of the plane ride.

  5. O.
    That house looks AMAZING.
    I am very jealous.
    Please kill the local band director. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I could buy 2 or 3 of that house. ๐Ÿ™‚

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