I know I’ve already been somewhat spotty with the blog posts for the last while, and now I’m here with more bad news. I’m going to be away for the next while, often without easy internet access, and so there will be few posts for the next bit. I do plan to try and pop on with posts from Tomas when I can, and perhaps I’ll have some other things I just have to say. Who knows? But the kids are out of school as of today, and so we’re transitioning into vacation mode.
I hope you’re going to have a great summer. I’ve got a number of things lined up. Daniela’s going to be life guarding at Fiddle Camp, MC is taking tennis and swimming lessons, we’ve got a road trip to Utah, and I have plenty of writing in front of me. I hope to one day be able to share some news on that, but that day is not today, sadly. Know that there is news, however, and it’s good news.
In any case, happy summer, all!