The Pew Report on Mormons

(Not to be confused with the pew pew pew report on Mormons)

Came across this report over the weekend that studies the current state of Mormonism today–what Mormons believe, how active they are in practicing their religion, what their political beliefs look like, how much education they have, what their racial characteristics are, etc. A fascinating report–whatever your views on Mormons might be. My religion’s been getting a lot of press lately–much of it bad. I thought it was interesting to see what the statistics looked like as far as what Mormons are reporting on national surveys.

For those of you who think you don’t want to read it, you really do. At least if you’re a statistics junkie like myself. Even DKC thought it was interesting. 61% of Mormons have some college education? 90% are absolutely certain God exists? 76% attend church once per week? Where else are you going to find out this kind of stuff?

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