Ahojte všetci! Back again for another week, another email. Not really a ton happened this week but we will see what I have to write.

Tuesday we did some cool service at a local place that we help out every now and then, but we ended up getting totally soaked because it was spouting rain so they kept us inside once we came back in. We ended up just watering a lot of the inside plants but we also got a matching set of glasses for the apartment which was a pretty cool bonus. They’re some kind of beer brand based in Žilina by the logo (which has the Žilina clock towers and crest) and they’re the classic .3l/.5l sizes. Now I can size my Kofola glasses exactly like they are at a restaurant so I feel fancy. Besides that, we had studies and some wet street contacting along with magic night with our group. Things got out of hand pretty quickly with the ol’ Mimeoplasm which was fun to watch although we got absolutely shredded. Props to Mišo.
Wednesday we spent the morning at the Václavovci to help them with yard work, that was actually pretty fun and Sister Václavova fed us well as usual. We mainly weeded a bunch in a few different spots. Then at our English class we actually ended up giving our person Siliva a book of Mormon, we will see how it goes but she was very positive about it. No talk about aliens this time as well, but to be honest I kinda missed it…
Thursday was pretty uneventful, we had to prep the country-side Bible study group we do on zoom because it was our week to teach that. That took quite a bit longer than planned but the discussion about Saul/Paul went well and people seemed to like it. Besides that we also did our weekly planning that day which is where we set goals and plans for the next week so we are organized. That one also takes a while to do so besides what I’ve mentioned that’s about all we did.
Friday we had a good lesson with our boy Kevin which was fire as usual. We were prepping him for passing the sacrament on Sunday since he just got the priesthood. He was kinda nervous (understandably) but after our lesson seemed a lot more confident. It was also pretty rainy all week and so was Friday.
Saturday we headed out to Žilina for our weekly meeting, we got to see some of the new arrivals since transfers were Thursday for some reason this time. Then we went with the Ottos to get a new washer since ours broke one day and we haven’t had a way to wash stuff besides the sink. I can now say I have purchased an appliance in Slovak which I haven’t even done in English yet. We do weird stuff out here. But that went fine, and then that evening we had another lesson with Kevin.
Sunday was a very nice fast and testimony meeting, a member who had moved to Liverpool visited which was cool, and just overall a good day for church. Our washer, however, which was promised to arrive the next day, did not. We kinda figured because it was a Sunday and basically everything is closed here on Sundays so no worries.
That brings us to Monday, which was just about the quietest pday I’ve had to date. We figured since the washer was supposed to come wed just stay home, so we did. Never got a call or anything, and I called them this evening to ask about that and they said Tuesday. So we burned a whole day for nothing but it’s kinda okay because it was pouring again so options were low anyways. That’s about all I’ve got though, we didn’t really do too much today.
Photos link as usual:
Hope you are all well and having gmfun at various camps and such, I know Maine Fiddle Camp is running right now. I’m still doing well out here and loving living in Trenčín!
S láskou,
Starší Cundick