Tomas Update: Week 11 in Trenčín

Ahojte vsetci! It’s me again. Another wonderful week in Trenčín! And another one that feels like we did simultaneously everything and not that much. I’ll get into it:

Tuesday we FINALLY got a working washing machine!! It took forever to show up but it works and we have clean clothing now. We had to wait most of the day which was fairly frustrating and then there was miscommunication between us and the delivery company so we had to take the old one out and down the stairs by ourselves. We did it but also I accidentally forgot the keys inside the apartment so we had to call our neighbor Michal to have him let us back in, and he was so cool he ended up also helping us get our super heavy new washer up two flights of stairs and inside. That was really helpful because I don’t think we woulda managed, the washer was very heavy. After that fiasco we went and played magic as is usual on Tuesdays, got stomped by good ol Mimeoplasm yet again although I got in a win too. And that was Tuesday. 

Wednesday we got up at 5 so we could leave 5.30 to go to the hospital for Goodares check in after last week or whenever that was that we went, and then proceeded to spend the ENTIRE day in the hospital. Literally 6.00-13.00.  It was terrible. Felt like an eternity and also like an hour. Very weird energy. The way the system works here for that kinda stuff is wack, we had to get to the check-in window at 6.00 to get one of 10 numbers that guaranteed us getting in. So we pull up at 6.40, we were 11 so they told us to wait, then we waited until 7.00 when the doctor actually showed up, and they proceeded to take ~30 minutes per person (more for some) and some more people showed up as well and somehow managed to cut us in line. So we sit there for 7 hours, it’s a 5min appointment, and we are free. 1/10 experience. Would not recommend. Next time we get there early early and save 5 hours. 

Thursday was thankfully pretty average. Really nothing super crazy to talk about but trust me that is a good thing after the previous two days…

Friday the cool thing we did was go and visit a cemetery where allegedly some relatives were buried, we didn’t manage to find the headstones but we did find another entirely unrelated Križan unless I am wrong. Also a very pretty sunset that day. 

Saturdayw as another crazy one, we started off with our standard train to Žilina for our weekly meeting. We ended up meeting a really cool guy named Martin who was aware of us from our family history program. Talked to him for an hour, gave him a Book of Mormon, and set up another time to meet. He was super excited and thought it was really cool that we provide the services we do, just overall a great guy. Anyways when we got to Žilina we found out we only had like 50 minutes, which is fun because I’m in charge of running those. It worked out fine, but having more time like we usually do would have been nice. Anyways, me and Goodare have some time to burn before our train so we go grab lunch and attempt to buy some garam masala for Indian food (the shop was closed) and we are walking back to the train station, then get stopped by some non-denominational people trying to get us to convert to Jesus I guess? I was kinda confused because I literally wear a little tag with Jesus’ name on it so you’d figure I was aware of who he is and all, but they were also very pushy. Not a great interaction, and not sure what they were really trying to do, they wouldn’t even let us go when we said we had a train to catch. After we extracted ourselves there, ANOTHER set of guys stops us and talk us into a pushup 1v1 for an ad they were doing, so I won some “gamer” multivitamins. They taste weird. Then we had some homeless guys curse us out on our way to the train, talked to a bunch of English speakers, and finally made it home after almost melting on that train. What a morning. To finish we cleaned the church building, practiced piano and violin for a little bit, and headed home. 

Sunday was uneventful again, besides an old inactive member coming back which was cool. Hopefully she keeps coming. I also made sugar cookies and I even made green frosting because no one could stop me. They taste pretty good. 

Then today we headed back out to Žilina, visited Lietava Castle for my 3rd time, got indian food, played a round of Catan, and we are on the train back as I write. A pretty good day, great views, but it was very very hot. Then again it is summer and at least the sun was out. 

All right that’s about it, I did get my camera back from it’s extended stay in Prague this week so I will have some sweet pictures.

Hope you’re all doing well and having fun doing all the cool stuff there is to do just kinda everywhere. I’m still doing great out here and wouldn’t give it up for anything. 

S láskou,

Starší Cundick 

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