Ahojte všetci!
What a week it’s been out here. I’m running out of time but I’ll throw the highlights in:
Elder Noftle got his grinch suit from Trenčín (an heirloom from his trainer) so now we got the green menace in our apartment. I am unsure how to feel about this but it’s safe to say that I’m glad Christmas has come and gone because I don’t know if I’d be able to handle Christmas crankiness. For the record I mean an actual grinch suit, like a green furry thing with a hood with a grinch face on it. Look out world…
Wednesday we had a nice meeting with one of the guys we’re teaching, just a good walk around the city in the nice weather.
Thursday I had my last meeting as a missionary in training so I’m officially out of training which is crazy, I’ve been out here 12 weeks now. I feel ready and I’m excited to continue to work out here. It’s still setting in that like I’m not the youngest out here and neither is Millett but here we are.
Friday we had a foggy visit to Trenčín got district council, I don’t recall being in the city at night so that was cool to see. Hopefully I’ll make my way out there for good at some point, but I’ll just have to wait and see for now. It’s nice that I get to stop by every now and then though, and I’m excited for the anniversary of the country being dedicated for missionary work and the celebration in Trenčín which is like soon I think.
Okay so Saturday and Sunday we headed out to Blava for district conference (all the members met in Blava to have church together, normally this would be called stake conference but we do not have a stake out here so it’s a district). I got to see all the missionaries and a ton of members and it was super cool. Also one of the area 70s (like a church leader) was there too and he told a bunch of good stories in his talks, including having to staple shut a massive hole in his pants at an airport and how that gave him an opportunity to share the gospel with 4 people. Hopefully I don’t have to do the same but “stuff happens” (the main point of his talk). Me, elder noftle and sister bartschi got to play together for the meeting too so that was a great opportunity. That night me, noftle and the ZLs stayed in a vacant church apartment in Blava, but we had to get into the building and we didn’t have the key to get into the lobby so we had to wait for someone to go in and we went in with them. But we got split up so we ended up having g to wait again for another resident to come in. Then that morning we had to get out and wait yet again, we ended up getting a picture with some random lady that kept flirting with us and said we have “pekné zuby” (pretty teeth). I’d heard that was a common occurrence but that was my first time, and I’m pretty sure it won’t be my last. She actually asked us for a picture first weirdly enough. Also she said we looked like the kinda guys that wouldn’t steal anything. You really meet the weirdest people out here.
Okay anyways today for pday we went and hiked to a castle, I took most pictures on my film camera so expect those in a while. Met up with Trenčín and Banská Bystrica so a lot of us on the hike. It was fun if a little icy.
As usual, photos link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/qYoYaKPmkqFZHoVM7
Hope everyone’s well, I’m loving it out here and enjoying the slightly spring like weather I guess.
Love you all,
Starší Cundick