Ahojte všetci! I missed a week but I’m back. I’ll just get right into it:

Tuesday we had a pretty average day, but Magic night was in a neighboring town called Košeca which was interesting to see. Nothing standout from Tuesday though so
Wednesday was also pretty average, English class we had to explain its/it’s and some other complex things, the more I teach it the more I understand how wacky of a language it is. Like more than half the time things aren’t pronounced as they’re spelled at all, and I’m glad I just kinda know how it works.
Thursday continued being very hot as the week kinda has been, so classic Slovak summer. We had a lot of inside time that day since we were on for teaching the online Bible club we run, but it went well. On top of that it was planning day, so lots of setup work and not much to say. Although near the end of the day when we were just about to leave the church building, a man just like walked in (wild, considering that at that hour the front door to the building building is locked) and apparently he is a member from Ukraine that was living in Púchov, a city with no church presence, and had just recently moved to Trenčín and heard our English class was that day (old info we left on the front door, we really should change that). We got his contact and although he hasn’t responded yet, we are really hoping we can help him out. I’m glad we stayed in Trenčín for that evening though because the original plan was to go to Žilina that instead and if we had we wouldn’t have been there.
Friday we headed out Žilina, our train was a half hour late. I went on exchanges with Elder Rigby, (surprise reappearance from transfer 3) and we spent the whole day in Martin, a neighboring city. Literally everything that could go wrong did and we had like 0 time for most things, but it was a very fun exchange and great to see people I used to teach and know. Highlights included very good pizza, reading a Slovak history book in a giant library, seeing members in the area, and the return to Martin (we did not get soaked this time, last time Rigby and I were there it POURED all day). We hit traffic on the way home too, but still managed to crank out some halušky that evening so we ate good.
Saturday was a similarly busy, bustling day. Still in Žilina, we started by hitting a court at 8.15 for the sports morning there, where I got absolutely demolished in soccer by Peter. These darn Europeans and their innate soccer skills always wreck us. After that we headed back to the apartment, showered, and went to district council which was a pretty good one if I do say so myself. Then lunch from Sister Otto and me and Goodare had to rush home to make it to a hike we had with some members later that day, which was very nice but left us totally beat after soccer too. Another crazy, but fun day. Oh also that evening we met a Ukranian man to drop off a Russian and Ukrainian Book of Mormon, he is being taught remotely by some of our native Ukranian speakers in Czechia so shout-out to Uherské Hradište. His name is Roman and he is such a sincere, thankful, and kinda man! He couldn’t make it to church this week but will be coming starting next week.
Sunday was thankfully a little more reserved, but still lots of work. As usual we rolled up to church 8.15 (it starts 9.30 but we have to set it all up) and made sure music was ready, the meeting was planned, and the building was ready. We had about 10 of us this week which was nice. Sacrament meeting was great, Kevin gave his FIRST TALK and knocked it out if the park, we are very proud of him! That day actually marked 6 months since he initially talked to missionaries so a very appropriate milestone. He is chillin in Czechia at a YSA (young single adult) activity and loving that too. He’s so cool. After church we had a meeting with the branch prezident, then had lunch at like 14. A homeless man bailed on us at 15 but we kinda expected that, so it’s okay. Then studies and I made butter chicken that night.
Monday we went out to Čachtice, the vampire lady castle. I was there 5 years ago actually and they have repaired a ton of it in that time. It was cool to see and a nice lil hike even if we got stuck in Višňové for 45 minutes (and the ONE restaurant in town was closed). Took some good pictures which will come later. Then we grabbed lunch in Nové Mesto nad Váhom, highly recommend the bageteria next to the station if anyone happens to be there for some reason. We made it home, I let Goodare give me a haircut (don’t worry, just the sides but with zone conference coming I kinda needed one and we forgot to make appointments). Also that evening I saw an R35 which was pretty cool.
And that’ll about do it for this week! Writing it all out a lot actually happened. Other updates include us getting new cards that have contactless payment which should be cool. And then overall I’m just doing well out here and excited for the future, Trenčín is doin good.
Pictures album as usual (updates coming later today when I sort and edit) : https://photos.app.goo.gl/GHgGUxN4X6y5nvio8
Hope you’re all well and “excited” to start school again! I can’t wait to see my first Slovak fall (jeseň) and how it compares to the King of Autumn, Maine.
S láskou,
Starší Cundick