I (Bryce) spoke too soon yesterday. Tomas sent out his letter yesterday afternoon, detailing more on what’s going on right now. Sorry about jumping the gun. Here it is now:

I don’t know if you could tell by the title but I have some big news… Mid transfers have come and gone and I am yet again here in Trenčín (let’s gooo!!) but of course Prez won’t be making it easy. I am training (!!!) which means I have a missionary straight from the MTC who literally just got here. His name is Elder Theodosis and he speaks about 10 words of Slovak. That’s not his fault, though – he speaks Ukrainian instead. So I’m out here training him to speak Slovak, be a missionary in general, and helping him in Ukrainian (which I have also been asked to learn, so expect some updates from my hurting brain as I try my best to pick ip language #3). I kinda brought this on myself I guess by learning how to read Cyrillic a few transfers ago. Anyways Ukrainian is pretty difficult so far, but we get an extra hour to study each other’s languages so I will be trying to make some headway.
Besides that big news, some updates from the last week or so:
-visited trenčiansky hrad for the probably 7th or 8th time?
-took the bad train (Banská Bystrica -> Bratislava) to pick up Theodosis (took 3h 40min)
-hype baptism in Banská Bystrica
-found some pictures of my grandfather that I’ve never seen before, they are very cool
– great lessons with our boy Kevin
-and overall just loving being in Trenčín.
I’m so happy I get to stay here for at least the next while! I really, truly love this city and at least some of the people here. What a crazy experience to live out here for real, speaking Slovak every day and just actually living. Wouldn’t give it up for the world.
Anyways, time to get back on the language grind (currently learning how to pray, it is kicking my butt) so here is photos!
з любов’ю,
Старійшина Кандик (starší Cundick)