Tomas Update: Week 2 at the MTC

Here we are at another week! I told Tomas that last week his email was a bit on the short side, and asked if he couldn’t provide a bit more context. He delivered this week. 🙂 So without further ado from me, here’s Tomas:

Hey everyone! I’ve officially been a missionary for a whole month now! The first while was pretty slow, but each passing day seems to get faster. The language is coming along well – we are teaching practice lessons in Slovak and each one is so much better than the last. It’s also fun to see the differences in Czech, and for one meeting we had a Polish sister pray and I could vaguely understand her! We also got to meet the resident senior missionary couple that is going to our mission – they were very nice and they head out this coming Monday. I’m having a great time here despite the stresses of learning a language and being busy all the time! It’s great here, but I can’t wait to be out in Slovakia. 

Everyone says the food here is bad, but I’d say it’s more 50/50. I definitely miss Mom’s cooking, and there are certainly things I will not be choosing to eat again, but if all else fails at least there is cereal. Pretty sure that chimichanga was really just a tortilla wrapped around a cheese stick – I came back to the table to find one being dissected to find out its true nature, and I would include the picture but it is truly terrifying to behold. 

The Christmas lights are all up here as well. Not sure how I feel since we haven’t even had Halloween yet (not that it will be anything special), but I guess since I won’t be here by actual Christmas I can deal with it. No Christmas music yet, thankfully, and at least the Tree of Life looks all pretty lit up out front.

We set a new record for cleaning bathrooms yesterday. Every week we have to clean a little bit on Tuesday mornings, and we did bathrooms last week. We thought we went pretty fast, but our supervisor said we were average and the record was 4/5 floors in the time we got. Obviously the six of us couldn’t let that slide, so we made an actual pencil and paper plan and managed to clean all 5 floors (25 bathrooms total) and become the first set of missionaries in recent memory to make it to the fifth floor. It was pretty funny, but it also showed the effectiveness of a good plan – something I have a hard time making and sticking to. You really learn in the weirdest ways. 

Finally, if you want to write to me, email me, or mail me a box full of rocks, here’s my current address (I am only here until November 22nd or so)

Elder Tomas Randall Cundick 

11-22 CZE/SVK

2005 North 900 East Unit #39

Provo, UT 84602

Okay – hope that isn’t too much. Just want to end with saying I know that I was called here for a good purpose, and I know that I am doing the right thing with my life right now. For anyone that’s on the fence about serving – do it. It is the best decision I have made so far, and I’m not even actually in the field yet.

Love you all,

Starší Cundick


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