Tomas Update: Week 3 in Plzeň

Ahojte! Just a few quick updates:

– I’m in Czechia now, all the way out in the west in Plzeň (Pilsen)

– No idea if the beer is as good as everyone says

– officially learning language #3 (Czech)

– almost got lost in Blava by myself

– I can go “ř” now (very cool)

– Kiwi Christmas

– saw a cool little place called Český Krumlov

– left a part of my heart in Trenčín

– also left my guitar (sad)

– officially made call #1000 as a missionary 

– this new apartment has nothing to hold the showerhead so it’s like showering on manual mode

– we have like 20 people on avg to church though!

– still playing my violin weekly (it’s 2 years old now!)

– let my companion cut my hair (again?)

– finally tried the Ukrainian food pelmeni

– a while ago read the whole book of Mormon in 2 days

– almost got COVID (!)

– baked potato Christmas dinner

Anyways, I know I’ve been pretty quiet lately but man have I been busy. Some big changes here and I’m still getting used to them, but I’m very well out here and excited for the future still. No snow at all here though, little disappointed. Just rain and gray skies. But merry Christmas / Veselé Vánoce / щасливого Різдва / Veselé Vianoce!


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