Ahojte everyone! Back at it again with the email. It’s been a really good week! I am really starting to get used to living here and like weekly shopping and all that. This week we had exchanges with the Trenčín and Banská Bystrica elders, which were super fun and we got a lot of good work done. I haven’t done a lot of work on street contacting so far so we just went out and did it. What a great experience to just be out there talking to people, working on my Slovak and bringing others closer to Christ.
Speaking of that, last night me and my old MTC companion, elder Millett, went out for a few hours. We felt like there was really someone we needed to find that day and that we would be guided to them. After about an hour of walking the streets, it was already pretty dark and very cold and everyone was either not wanting to hear anything or actually upset with us. We were feeling a little down and were super far from the city center at this point, but still felt like there was someone out there for us. We pulled off to the side and said a prayer together, and I felt very confirmed that we would find someone – no specifics on what that meant but I knew something was going to happen. We decided to make our way back to the apartment and try and find them on our way back, and we made a turn down a street we had already been on. There was one man walking with a shopping bag. We asked him if he believed in God and he said he did, so we started talking to him about the Book of Mormon and he said he already had one, but hadn’t read it yet. We asked if he wanted to meet with us and he goes “now?” and we ended up walking with him 20min to his house and we taught him a lesson and answered his questions, and also got his number and Facebook so we could go back later! He’s a train conductor which is super cool. He was definitely also who we were supposed to find – that almost never happens here. And to top it all, me and Elder Millett have both only been here four weeks, so it just goes to show that God can work through literally anyone. I’m so thankful that I kept at it even if I was a bit discouraged because I was able to see that blessing.
Besides that, not a ton else that I can think of has happened. I got a cool sweater the other day and we had a Christmas party with the Banska branch where 7 nonmembers showed up which was super good. We also ran over a something on the road and there was a lot of blood over some of the wheel well, I won’t put that picture in the album but it was pretty crazy.
As always here’s the link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/qYoYaKPmkqFZHoVM7
Hope you’re all doing well, even with all that heavy snow. I’ll be missing skiing this year so go hit the slopes hard for me!
Love you all,
Starší Cundick
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