Tomas Update: Week 9 in Žilina

Ahojte všetci! Another week here in Žilina and we are still at it. This week has been pretty crazy since transfers were still happening. We had like 5 different elders come through as a result. Here are some of the highlights:

Monday we had elder Millett with us again which was pretty fun, good to see him as always. Then Tuesday we swapped him for elder Sedgwick as he waited for his new missionary to come in, who we got to meet and see on his first day here basically. They took off Wednesday morning, and then Friday we had an exchange with the Trenčín elders. Tons of people but it was fun.

The exchange with Trenčín was actually really good, and we ended up finding (sort of) a guy outside of Tesco. Before we left to go out that evening, we felt kinda like we needed to be in front of a building somewhere. He was literally like the only person that actually wanted to listen but he did take a Kniha Mormonova and we got his number so hopefully he goes somewhere. Cool guy, he had a sweet jacket on. Anyways sometimes you out in the work and you end up only having 1 person listen in 2 hours but it’s worth it.

Besides that, I also got my film developed this week. I have the pictures in both the regular album and this one: Unfortunately there’s a hole in the shutter but the camera is 40 years old so like I get it. Apparently this is common and the fix is just some fabric paint so I’ll be back at it in no time. In the meantime, the effect is kinda cool so like I guess I’m happy with it, and most of my shots came out decent. Excited to see what I can do with a fixed camera though.

It’s also finally snowing more here! The days are staying consistently below 0 so we are actually getting some on the ground. The námestie (main square) is really pretty with all the snow.

I’m also doing some voice overs for a series we’re making on baptisms here, so once those are out I’ll throw you all a link so you can hear me if you want.

Ok, besides that I can’t think of a ton else to say this week. It’s been crazy but also good and I’m excited to keep working here. Obligatory photos album link:

Love you all, 

Starší Cundick

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