You might think I have some sort of inside track to all the news on the film adaptation of THE MEMORY THIEF. And maybe I have a little, but today I was reminded how narrow that inside track really is. I’m a librarian, right? And that means I search things. Occasionally I search personal things. It’s been over a year since The Memory Thief movie adaptation was announced. I know they’ve been working on a script for the film. It’s progressing. But that’s about all I knew.
This morning, I took a quick jaunt around the interwebs to see if, perhaps, someone else might have a scoop on things. Maybe the person writing the screenplay had posted about it on his or her blog, or Tweeted about it, right?
It turns out, Deadline announced back at the end of October who’s doing the screenplay: Radio Silence. They also have a wikipedia page. According to Deadline:
Radio Silence is composed of Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett and Chad Villella. The collective previously directed Southbound, which premiered at the 2015 Toronto Film Festival.
Checking out their bios online, it looks like they’ve focused primarily on horror. They did a segment in V/H/S, and they did a series of online videos, as well. Their best well-known one (watched more than 33,000,000 times) is this one:
Though they’ve touched on some humor in a few of their shorts, I don’t see a much aimed at a kid audience. Which actually suits me fine. I really like their concept of the Choose Your Own Adventure shorts, and the fact that one of the trio is from Punxsutawney is a definite plus. 🙂
When I first conceived of MEMORY THIEF, I really wanted to do something in the same vein as what I call Disney horror. (Here’s the first post I wrote about it, where I was looking for recommendations on movies before I’d even started work on the book. I also listed my top ten family friendly scary movies in a different post.) Having horror writers take on the screenplay intrigues me. In a different article, I saw Radio Silence is working with a different group–one that worked on the upcoming House with a Clock in Its Walls. That trailer is awesome, and I have high hopes for the movie:
So count me in for intrigued. Not just as the author of the book, but as a fan of horror aimed at younger audiences in general. I’ll try to keep you posted on what I hear, but you might want to keep an eye on Deadline for me. Apparently I’m not nearly tuned in as I might wish to be.
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