Yes, we’ve reached the end of another exciting March Madness. And back at the beginning, I set up a bracket for fans–as I am wont to do. There were fabulous prizes available, ranging from me writing a post on a topic of the winner’s choosing to a read and critique of a short story or chapter. I was also open to suggestions for prizes.
Ten brave souls entered the challenge. And right away, things looked bleak for yours truly. The team I picked to win it all, lost in the first round. (Thanks a lot, Duke!) So I was pretty much out of the running from the get go.
Now here we are at the end. And it’s time to announce that the winner is . . .
Ha ha, fans! That’s how awesome I am. I can pick a team to win it all, have them lose in the first round, and *still* beat you all. (Well, technically my cousin Ted tied with me, but ESPN’s tiebreakers went my way. And since Ted would likely make me write some sort of awful post about how awesome the Utes are or something, I’m definitely taking advantage of those tiebreakers . . .)
But thanks for playing, all. Better luck next year! In the meantime, I shall bask in the gloriousness of how wonderful I am.