
Sugar Overload

In a development that may, or may not, have something to do with the homemade sno balls I made a week or so ago, I came to the hard decision on Sunday that I am, in fact, eating too much sugar again. I’m not sure what really gave it away. It might have been the […]

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Weight Check In

I did this glancingly last week, saying COVID had made me gain some weight back, but this week I wanted a real check in: 192.6, which means I’ve lost 1.2 pounds since last week. Honestly, I could have done much better. I keep coming up with reasons for why I shouldn’t have to diet (like,

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Requisite Diet Update

I forgot to post yesterday, thinking I’d last posted on Wednesday of last week. (It should generally be on Wednesdays going forward.) I’ve done a fair job with the diet this past while. It’s easy to tell by how hungry I am, generally speaking. (At least at the beginning, when I’m transitioning away from an

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It’s Diet Time (again)

I’m back in Maine at last, and I’m hoping I get to stay here for the next long while. Since I left for Europe at the end of June, I have been in Maine a total of 10 days. A 3 week vacation sounds dandy, and it was. But when it’s followed by 3.5 weeks

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