March Madness Winner!

This is really late, and I apologize for that, but things have been crazy busy for me for the last . . . ever? So I’m just happy I’m finally getting around to it. March Madness this year was even madder than usual. How mad was it? The winning bracket got there by successfully picking one of the final four teams, and neither of the teams in the final. This made for some very interesting story lines in the games themselves, but from a bracket challenge perspective, it left much to be desired. Very anticlimactic.

That said, we still do have a winner! “Callie’s Catastrophe” was anything but, at least in comparison to everyone else’s submission. (We won’t talk about my personal bracket’s performance.) So well done, Callie! As the winner of this year’s challenge, you get to appear in my latest book. I’ll reach out to you to hammer out the details.

The rest of you? Better luck next time, I suppose . . .


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