New Baby

As some of you have noted, I haven’t posted on here for the past two days, despite my new resolution to do better with that. I have a good excuse, though. We have a new member of the family, name available on request by email. (Can I just comment that society’s reached a pretty sad state, when you have to be cautioned at the hospital about the dangers of telling too many people you’ve had a baby, what her name is, etc.?) In any case, mom and baby are fine. Well, baby is crying right now, but I believe that’s because she’s hungry. My son is being a great deal of help, and he’s very proud to be a big brother at last.

Vital Statistics:

7 lbs 11 oz
21 inches
3:44 pm on Monday February 11th
Total labor length: 11 hours (but that’s including mild contractions that weren’t bothering the wife too much)
Epidural? No. Wife wasn’t admitted to the hospital until after the baby was born, actually.
Pictures: Yes. I’ll attach them at the bottom of this post.

It’s snowing up a storm outside today. I’ve been roof raking and plowing and shoveling so much my arms feel like they’re going to fall off. However, all is well now–the family’s in one place. Phone calls are welcome–I have a cell phone, so if I get irritated or someone wants to sleep, I’ll just put it on vibrate.

Now I think I’ll go shovel some more.

8 thoughts on “New Baby”

  1. Holy heck!
    She is GORGEOUS, Bryce!! Just unbelievably beautiful. I’m showing the pictures to people at work to brag. If you get a minute, I’d love you to email me with the spelling of her name – wasn’t sure if it would be what I’d assume it to be. Really, though, I can’t get over how beautiful she is. Congratulations!! Love, Gretel

  2. anna milos brano a jojo
    videli sme a pozerali aj danielku tomasa a babku mamu aj otca..l…babatko je krasne apekne sa usmievate….. ahojjjj

  3. New Baby & Stuff
    Howard L., our neighbor, told us he recived info and pictures from you. Rob and I were envious, so he forwarded everything to us. FINALLY! The baby in as beautiful as our darling bigger brother was when he was born. We miss all of you so much, but are happy that yous are happy. I’ve enjoyed reading through your postings. Love, Nanna

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