Well, it’s official now. I started writing Ichabod today–just finished with my first thousand words. If I keep that up every day but Sundays, I should be finished with it by the end of June. I think that’s a fairly good goal, especially considering I’ll have to take a break in the middle to rewrite Lesana (book #8 of mine). It would be four months, and that’s assuming it’s a 100,000 word story. We’ll see what it actually ends up being.
In other news, I went out dancing last night with my wife and Brandon and his wife Emily. Neither Brandon nor I are the best of dancers, but I think it’s to our credit that we’re willing to make public fools of ourselves in exchange for the happiness of our respective significant others. We had a good time–and there was prime rib and chocolate fountains, so I managed to stuff myself in the process. Tasty.