September: the month when the awesome all begins. Summer is dead and gone at last. The bugs are freezing to death. You’ve got the wonderful quadfecta of holidays right around the corner (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Groundhog Day).
And you get college football.
Football of any sort, really. Tailgating, brisk nights, nail biting comebacks, chili dogs, hot chocolate.
September is almost enough to make living through summer worthwhile all by itself.
This year, I’m starting my September early. BYU is playing UConn this evening down in Hartford, and I’ll be leaving shortly to go watch it first hand. (If we choke like we did last year against Virginia, I shall be one sad puppy.) But consider this: the last time I went to an East Coast away game for BYU was back in 1984 when we played and beat Pitt.
1984 was also the year BYU won the national championship.
Clearly, the success of BYU on a national level hinges on my attending East Coast away games for BYU. So when we do well this year, I’d like all BYU fans to thank me profusely.
(I still remember that game. Not the game itself, but the events around it. I remember a bunch of people at the stadium giving me a hard time, continually asking “BY Who?” to which we’d scream back “BYU!” I remember really wanting a cool noisemaker, and almost getting very badly burned at the campfire. I also remember my dad’s tent stunk. Bad.
The things you recall thirty years later.
Anyway–I’m bringing TRC and DC with me to tonight’s game. Hoping they have the sort of experience they’ll vaguely remember in bits and snippets 30 years from now. In the meantime, watch the game tonight on ESPN and keep an eye out for the crazy bearded BYU fan and his two kids.