TRC and DC have successfully embarked on another school year, TRC to fifth grade, and DC to first. (When I asked them last night what grade they were going into, DC claimed it was third grade. She explained that she’d already been to two years of preschool and a year of kindergarten, so she was convinced she had to at least be in third grade by now. The kid had a point.)
The beginning of the school year is always more than a little crazy, and this year is a bit crazier still, since Denisa’s going to be teaching two linguistics classes at the university (all while keeping her bread baking business booming). We had a big family council last night where we went over what was going to be happening this semester and how the best way to handle it all will be. I’m going to be tweaking my weekly schedule to be able to watch MC while Denisa’s at work, which will mean I’ll be going to work late Tuesday and Thursday, and early the rest of the days–and that every day I’ll be staying until about 5:30, which is 1.5 hours later than I usually do.
It’ll require some changes, but I think it will all work out well.
In any case–no time no time! Here’s hoping TRC and DC are having great first days, and I hope to be able to report back on all the fun we had this past weekend over the next few posts. Stay tuned!