Busy Cop Out

Christmas Vacation

It’s that time of year again, folks. The time I scurry off to take my end of the year, use-it-or-lose-it vacation. So for the next couple of weeks, I’ll only be into work for a couple of days. Other than that, I’m taking a break from most everything that’s not family related. Including the blog.

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Thanksgiving Hiatus

Folks, it’s been a pretty crazy semester. Between revision projects, home renovation, kids’ school activities, and Denisa teaching three classes, I’ve felt like I’ve been holding on for dear life. So I’m going to take a vacation for Thanksgiving. Not that I don’t usually take a vacation, but I think I’m really going to just

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New Orleans Bound

I’m off to New Orleans later today. Heading down for the American Libraries Association annual conference. So I’m going to be out of touch as far as the blog goes for a bit. It’ll just be too crazy to keep it going and get everything else done. If something pressing comes up that I can’t

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Patreon Progress

I’m down at another library conference today. (This time it’s all about the wonders of scholarly communication, which basically means scholarly publishing.) So very little time for me to write a blog entry for today. What better chance to remind you all what I’m up to over on Patreon? The second Friday of each month,

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