Tomas Update: Week 4 in Trenčín

Ahojte všetci! Big things this email, midtransfers hit and I am in Trenčín again with Elder Goodare now. Wasn’t expecting it at all but here we are! Quick updates on the week:

-our friend Kevin got baptized! It was a beautiful day and we did it in the river, overall just so cool!!

-last pday was very cool, we took a cable car up to the top of a mountain and then hiked around from there. The view was incredible and I would definitely recommend it, it was called Vrátna Dolina. 

-played two games of commander with the local crowd here. Osborne wok one and I won the other, the guys were definitely surprised that preconstructed decks could go that crazy. It was a great time and we have some good relationships now. Also Osborne drank 2.5 litera of Kofola across the time we were there, I don’t even know where he put it

-had a nice Sunday, an old missionary from 1999 came back to visit with his family of 6! Way cool to see him and he was so glad to hear how Slovakia ks doing now, 24 years later

-then today we just moved around everyone, currently on the packed, VERY hot train back to Trenčín. 

Overall, it’s been so good out here!! I ak definitely a little nervous about being the older missionary in this new companionship since I’ve never really done this before and have only been in Trenčín a month, but I think it’ll be okay. 

Pictures link as usual, I’ll make sure to add them:

Hope you’re all well and enjoying the summer weather! It is so hot out here already but it’s cut a bit by having ice cream all the time. Anyways, that’s it from me. 

S láskou,

Starší Cundick 

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