Tomas Update: Week 8 in Žilina

Ahojte! This email is titled that way because transfers happened – but I am still here in Žilina with Elder Noftle so business as usual. I’m actually super happy about that because we have built some really good relationships with the people here and I am excited to continue to bring them closer to Christ and be even better friends with them. Transfers went kinda crazy today, lots of travelling difficulties so we will work through those over the next few days.

Anyways, here’s  the big stuff from this week. Tuesday we met up with the elders from Trenčín and Prešov, and hit the streets of a town called Martin. We went out for three hours in hour long blocks with different companionships every hour. We only ended up having decent conversations with like 3 people – no one wanted to hear from us (possibly because of the large Jehovah’s Witness presence there). Me and Elder Aronsohn tried to ask people questions on the street in exchange for Horalky (a like wafer kinda deal – they were on sale at Billa so we bought 10) and everyone looked at us like crazy Americans – “why would I answer that for a Horalky? I’ll do it for free” was what we got a lot. Probably won’t be trying that again. But it was fun. Also I got trapped by a Jehovah’s Witness without realizing it until they asked me what the name of God was. Apparently a pretty classic missionary experience. We had some super good Vietnamese food though and also we did end up finding one person. 

We also got taken to a piano concert by a friend of ours – she was friends with the mother of a 16 year old piano prodigy and he had a concert here, so she got us tickets and we went! I heard a full orchestra live and also the pianist was INSANE. It was super cool and I’m so thankful I got to go, the venue was also really nice and we even got to meet the pianist and grab a picture. 

We ended up having church in Banska Sunday as our building is under construction right now. That was a good experience as church usually is, but my favorite part was wearing my new tie that I made. While in Martin we picked up some kroj for ties and I made a purple tie with black/red/white floral ribbon (trying to match my violin). It was super cool, I’ll throw some pictures in the photos. I’m making another that’s silver with green/white/red kroj. Super happy with how they turned out. 

Also today I took my film to be developed – vyvolávanie – so hopefully those turned out okay, we will see next week I guess. 

Okay besides all that it’s just been a good week out here. We did finally find a guy officially, the one from the train station came back for a second lesson! So now I can finally say I found someone. Only took 8 weeks. 

Anyways, excited to stay here in žilina and keep it up. It snowed a bit more but I hear you guys are getting dumped on back home in Maine. Kinda miss it but at least I don’t gotta be going on the streets with a ton of snow so that’s something. As always, photos album:

Love you all,

Starší Cundick

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