That’s right, folks. It’s time for my annual Bryce’s Ramblings NCAA Tournament Challenge. You know. The one where I make a group, I enter, my friend Kevin enters, Kevin beats me, and then I write a blog post about how great he is.
This year could be different!
This year, YOU could enter it, as well!
Why would you want to enter? Well, besides the promise of me devoting an entire blog entry to saying just how great of a person you are, I’ll also throw in a copy of Cavern of Babel, FREE! That’s right. The world’s only alpaca YA fantasy book, in your hungry little paws, free of charge. (Unless, of course, you already have a copy. I’m looking at you, Kevin.) And of course, there’s the opportunity to know that you’re better than someone out there. And not just any someone–me!
Heck, just enter for the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. I love me some March Madness, and I try to do everything I can to make it more interesting each year. The only thing I can’t do is bet money on it. DKC has officially vetoed the Spending of Family Funds on March Madness. But if there’s another way I can entice you to enter the Bryce’s Ramblings challenge, post a comment on here and let me know. I’ll consider it! Family and friends, if you’ve already been invited to one of the other groups I started, please be aware that a victory in one of those groups does NOT entitle you to a blog entry or a free book. You have to enter the official Blog Bracket! Don’t worry–you can enter both! Use your same bracket! Make another! Throw some exclamation points in for good measure!!!
Who do I think will win this year? BYU. No. Not really. But it would be great if they did–and I’d just like to point out that if they make it to the Sweet Sixteen, they play in Salt Lake for the next two rounds. Final Four, here we come! 🙂
Anyway–how do you enter the blog bracket? Simple, my friends. Go to this link. Put in the group name and password, and you’re in.
Group: Bryce’s Ramblings
Password: Meander
Enter today! See you on there!