
Final Weigh In (for now)

Let’s cut to the chase. I was 177.4 this morning, meaning that I’m down 11.4 pounds since I began six and a half weeks ago. And I’ll be honest: my heart’s just not in this anymore. I know my goal was 175, but I’m low enough now that I don’t feel like continuing, and 6.5 […]

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Weekly Weigh In: Week Six

Another week gone, and another pound lighter. That’s right: 179 as of this morning. Interestingly (to me, at any rate), that 1 pound came all in one day. Last Saturday I dropped from 180 to 179, and I’ve been around 179 since. Weight loss is strange, what can I say? I know I don’t have

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Weekly Check In: April 9

I’m back for my weekly accountability check in with all you lovely people. This last week was far from my favorite. Sticking with the diet even over Easter proved a good way to make one grumpy Bryce. That said, I didn’t cheat at all, even with Peeps popping up everywhere I looked, it seemed. And

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Weekly Weigh In: April Already

It’s another Friday, which is a relief right now, since it means I already know what I’m going to blog about the moment I wake up. (Sometimes coming up with a good topic is more than half the battle.) I’ve continued to stick with my diet completely, with no cheating to speak of. If anything,

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